A crown from the Goguryeo kingdom (37 BC- 668). The Goguryeo kingdom at it's height stretched from the middle part of what is now South Korea to the edge of Inner Mongoila.

One of my favorite pieces of Korean art. The Gilt-bronze Incense Burner of Baekje. It's just awesome.

A crown from the Gaya confederacy (42-532 AD). An interesting note about Gaya. According to most people, Gaya was a major exporter of goods and culture to Japan. However, during the time of Japanese occupation (1910-1945) the Japanese claimed that the Gaya area (a quite small area actually) was in fact a Japanese military outpost and they used this "fact" to justify their colonization of Korea.

This is a gold cap that goes under the king's crown. Shilla period 5th century.

National treasure number 91. Man riding a horse, a ceramic figurine from the unified Shilla period, 6th century.

Ceramic figurines from the unified Shilla period, 6th century.

A stone coffin adorned with the four guardian deities: Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Red Phoneix, and Black Tortoise and Serpent. Guess which side this is... from the Goryeo period, 918-1392.


A copy of "Jikji" the first book ever printed by movable metal type in 1377. The original is in France, but Korea wants it back. The book is about "Seon" which is a Korean school of Buddhism which predates the more well known Japanese "Zen."

The world's first metal moving type. It's the size of my thumb nail.