Thursday, April 19, 2012

Some Food For Thought

"Free medical care for illegal aliens and now free airfare support for returning home, are you out of your mind? We are paying our tax to send you for free? Get those crazies out back to where they come from."

"I am against multiculturalism. Look what happened to Spain once they accepted Muslim migrants. Look at Mexico after NAFTA….Against multiculturalism… No to voluntary naturalization… "

"Why are we supporting foreign workers with our tax?? That foreign migrant bitch better shut her hole."

It is problematic for Saenuri (roughly the Korean GOP) to have nominated a foreigner. What next, a gay Assembly member…?

I know in the USA a lot is being made of immigration. Sure, it's a touchy topic which generates a lot of strong feelings. I'm also sure that most of you have never been an immigrant. Well I am one, and I've gotten a completely different view on immigration since coming here. I'm not sure if it will make a difference to how many of you feel, but read this website and see how people are treating immigrants where I live.

For the sake of background there have been two major news events in Korea related to immigration. First, an immigrant killed and chopped up the body of a Korean girl. This also caused the chief of police to resign because the woman did in fact call the police but they thought it was just a domestic problem (so not a problem). Also a naturalized citizen (a Filipino lady) became the first to be selected into office.

With that in mind, read these translated comments that have been posted all around the web. Twitter, facebook, newspaper articles. And remember; a good amount of them are directed at someone you know- me. I hope seeing this issue as a people issue, not some vague political concept will open your mind a little to how you view immigrants.

Xenophobia Against Newly-elected Filipina-Korean Spreads Online


  1. immigrants.. it's a big issue here in Singapore too.

  2. Intolerance seems to be a national past time in places other than the USA. But we may still do it best of any other democracy.
