Saturday, October 17, 2009

16,000th Photo

I went for a bike ride and I took this photo. I rode outside of the strictly "urban" area, and found this little bit of rice. In the background you can see some smaller buildings, a couple churches, and those big buildings in the back are the kinds of buildings that must Koreans live in. Interestingly, this was exactly the 16,000 photo I've taken with my camera. Yay!


  1. Hi Josh,

    I enjoy getting my Korean lessons. Thanks for becoming a follower on my website.

    We're going to Tanzania on Nov 6 and return Nov 22. I know I will never catch up with your photo numbers. Would you mind if I painted a picture of some of the Korean children? I won't do it right now, but I do love the expressions on their faces and their interesting clothes. Will have to figure out how to import from the internet next.


  2. Sure, go ahead. I'd love to see it when you're finished, whenever that may be.

  3. 16,000 pictures you must be working toward the Malcom Caldwell magic number of 10,000 hours.
